
Finding a partner for ELT in Louisiana

Decision Dynamics, Inc. (DDI) does provide ELT services in Louisiana, but you won't know that from checking with the LA OMV. They only list in-state tag agents as providing ELT services.

By Louisiana statute (Section IV 35.03):

Information concerning the perfection and release of security interests will be electronically transmitted to and from the participating lien holder via public tag agents.

The LA OMV is authorized to contract only with in-state tag agents. In order for DDI to integrate our ELT solution with the LA OMV, we need to work with a Louisiana tag agent.

We inquired with the OMV in 2007 about participating in their program and ran into this restriction. At the time, we did not know of any tag agents working with the ELT program (nor did the OMV). Fortunately for us, we were contacted by Dan Casey of Casey & Casey at an AAMVA (American Association of Motor Vehicle Administrators) conference and we began discussing the possibility of working together. Once legislation passed in 2008 mandating participation, our efforts to provide title services in Louisiana increased.

All that to say that we are very pleased to be working with Casey & Casey as our tag agent in Louisiana (they do business as Auto Title Express). It has been a pleasure working with them to develop the specifications for ELT and giving them feedback about what data elements are most important to lenders.

Image: "Handshake2"

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