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Georgia ELT's best features

We're heading to Georgia today to host another "Open Forum" and participate with our users at the GA Users Group meeting (both are January 21, 2010 - missed them? Join us for our SC Users Group meeting on February 10, 2010). You can always find our upcoming events at http://etitlelien.com/events.aspx.

Our customers have been participating in the ELT program in Georgia since July 2008. Any state ELT program has significant benefits to lenders, but each state has it's own "specialties". We're working with each state to take their best ideas and get other states to incorporate those as well.

Georgia ELT's best features include:

  • Requiring electronic release for electronic titles. This is not unique to Georgia (Florida and Louisiana also require electronic release) but is not a common restriction. This requirement is a significant fraud prevention measure.

  • Conversion of Paper Titles to Electronic Titles. Georgia is the simplest program to work with by far, integrating this feature into their standard ELT process.

  • *New* The GA DOR has made a title inquiry service available for lenders to inquiry on the status of their liens. This is an excellent research tool for lenders, helping to prevent fraud and reduce inquiries with the Motor Vehicle Division.

As with all other states, signing up to participate with Georgia is free of charge and an excellent way to making managing titles easier.

Image: Thronateeska Heritage Center, GA by Brown's Guides

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