
Alert: Nebraska Will Stop Printing Titles With Liens on Oct 4

We've received an update from the Nebraska DMV on their timetable for implementing their Electronic Lien and Title (ELT) program. The single-lender pilot is scheduled to begin October 4, 2010 and will run for two weeks. Other participants will be able to go live at the conclusion of that pilot. DDI customers can expect to begin receiving electronic titles from Nebraska beginning October 18, 2010.

One point of clarification that was not obvious until now is that once the pilot program begins, the state will cease printing paper titles with liens for all lenders. We expect that requests for printed titles with liens that meet the state criteria will be allowed, but the normal process of mailing titles to lienholders at the recordation of their lien will cease.

The Nebraska DMV will stop printing titles with liens as of October 4, 2010.

These dates are subject to change pending the progress toward the initial pilot and resolution required to address any issues that arise during the pilot program.

Just to be clear: After following the DMV process to note a lien, including filing an Application for Certificate of Title, supporting documents, and fee with a Nebraska county Motor Vehicle Office, the Nebraska DMV will *not* send a paper title to the lender. There is no provision for exceptions based on the type of vehicle (in other words mobile homes are not excepted) or the type of lienholder (bank, finance company, individual, bail-bondsman). Currently, the date for that change in process is October 4, 2010.

Other helpful posts about the Nebraska Electronic Lien and Title program:

Image from DTCC's No More Paper Campaign.

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