
Common Questions about the Nebraska ELT Program

Are all lenders required to participate?

No. But you probably want to since lienholders who participate will receive an electronic title through their ELT Service Provider. See this post for more information.

What will change beginning January 1?

The Nebraska DMV will no longer print titles with liens. From the Nebraska Electronic Lender Guide:

Upon implementation, Nebraska certificates of title that contain lien information will be stored electronically. No printed copy will be produced for mailing to the lender unless specifically requested.
Upon issuance of the certificate of title with the lien noted, the certificate of title is stored electronically on VTR. No printed copy will be produced for mailing to the lender.

The Electronic Lender Guide says "No printed copy will be produced for mailing to the lender unless specifically requested." Can I just specifically request to have all my titles printed?

No. The guide states:

An electronic certificate of title may be printed, at the request of a lender, if the owner is relocating to another state or for other purposes as approved by the DMV.
The DMV also states in their Provider Questions and Answers:
Question: Are the following purposes approved by the DMV for a paper title request:
a. State Change (owner moving to another state)
b. Name Change (as in the case of marriage)
c. Request for a Correction of Information on the Title
d. Legal Reasons
Are there any other approved purposes?

Answer: Items a, b and d are the only approved purposes at this time.

Can I apply for a lien electronically?

No. The application process will remain the same, with all parts of the application (form, fee, supporting documentation) required. From the Nebraska Electronic Lender Guide:

Certificate of title and lien applications will continue to be filed at title issuing offices [local county treasurer office or the DMV, Division of Motor Carrier Services (MCS) for any common, contract or private carrier of property by motor vehicles in interstate commerce].

Is the Nebraska Application for Certificate of Title still required?

Yes, the NE Title Application is still required for lenders applying for a lien. See "Can I apply for a lien electronically?" above.

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