I've just updated our PAElt.com site, refreshing the wording on the first page and adding some additional Frequently Asked Questions. A few examples:
Who is required to participate?
From the PA ELT Fact Sheet:
All Lienholders in the business of financing vehicles are required to participate in the ELT Program and must be under contract with a PennDOT-approved ELT service provider.
How do I sign up for the ELT program?
You need to complete a form MV-37 "Application for Enrollment/Change in Electronic Lien and Title System". PennDOT does not require a contract or agreement (as most other ELT states do). They do however require that you work with a "Service Provider" from the list of those on the form. DDI is a service provider for Pennsylvania. Use the link [here] to get a copy of our application and an MV-37. PA estimates 2 weeks from receipt to issuing an ELT account number (FIN number) but our experience has been that they issue an account number within a few days. A start date should be requested on the MV-37.
How do I switch service providers?
In Pennsylvania, the same form (MV-37) is used to switch providers as to sign up initially. Just indicate on the form a change of providers rather than initial enrollment. Pre-filled forms are available at eTitleLien.com.
Image above is Hot Wheels by Morning Toast.
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