Called for Referral Part 3

Part 3 of the 10 questions answered about ELT by one of our customers:

7. What concern or issue has nagged you in the implementation or administration of the program? How was it overcome?
We were concerned that the members and staff would not adapt quickly to the idea of the titles no longer being a physical piece of paper and the program being user friendly. We have overcome this by educating our members and staff of the benefits of having the title as electronic vs. paper and teaching our staff of 30 lenders the program in person, over the phone, or over the computer.

We were also concerned about the flexibility of the program to interface with our core operating system but our IT Department has handled all necessary installations and updated releases with no problem.

8. What amount of time is required to manage the program?
A minimal amount of time is needed to manage the program. It has reduced the work load so much that we were able to eliminate a position.

9. What do employees feel about the program?
Our employees love the program and feel that it speeds up the loan process for all involved, and allows more than one person to finish the loan without having to wait on hard copies. We are able to pull title work from the system that another lender 30 miles away input a few minutes ago.

10. How is the program used in your organization?
The Electronic Lien Program is used in our organization by both front line and back line staff. We were able to customize the user’s rights to fit our individual needs. We have all aspects of employees using it from the Collections Department, Titles Department, Member Service Representatives, to Internal Audit.

All questions and responses reproduced as received from our customer. Also see Part 1 and Part 2.

Image above is Number 10 posted by Grover Sanschagrin.

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