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Mandatory ELT Legislation Proposed in Florida

Florida has been making steady progress in simplifying and streamlining their processes related to vehicle titles. Florida already provides one of the best public title inquiry services for getting information about your vehicle. Recent bill introduced in the Florida Senate will allow the Florida Highway Safety and Motor Vehicle Administration to take their next steps forward with the ELT program, including requiring participation. From the bill text:
...requiring that the department establish and administer an electronic titling program that requires the recording of vehicle title information for new, transferred, and corrected certificates of title; requiring that lienholders electronically transmit liens and lien satisfactions to the department; providing exceptions; amending s. 328.16, F.S.; requiring that the department electronically transmit a lien to the first lienholder and notify such lienholder of any additional liens; requiring that subsequent lien satisfactions be electronically transmitted to the department; amending s. 328.30, F.S.; authorizing the department to issue an electronic certificate of title in lieu of printing a paper title; authorizing the department to collect electronic mail addresses and use electronic mail for the purpose of providing renewal notices in lieu of the United States Postal Service; amending s. 713.78, F.S.; conforming a cross-reference; providing effective dates.

Image above is titled "Old School" taken at the Tallahassee Automobile Museum by Jo Jakeman.

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