Florida approves mandatory use of Electronic Lien and Title (ELT)

The Florida Legislature unanimously approved HB 1223, a bill that requires the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles electronically transmit vehicle liens and titles to lien holders through its ELT program beginning in 2013.

The money-saving measure will continue to streamline and simplify the state’s electronic titling process. Not only will the bill save taxpayer money by cutting associated paper, storage and mailing costs, but the mandatory shift to electronic titles will also reduce title fraud.

Individuals and lien holders that do not finance vehicles are exempt from participation. However, the bill requires all other lien holders participate by submitting liens and lien satisfactions in the prescribed electronic format. Likewise, the DHSMV will electronically send liens to the first lien holders and notify the holders of additional liens on motor vehicles, mobile homes or vessels.

DDI is already working with Florida banks, credit unions, and other financial institutions to ensure they are ready when the mandatory program begins. 

image is of the Florida State Flag

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