Coach Education 教練培訓課程

Coach Education
 ‘Practice doesn’t make perfect, perfect practice makes perfect’
This well-known quote sums things up ‘perfectly’. Quantity of training is not enough, it needs to be quality training too. That is where good coaching comes in. Project Phoenix is about developing talented players into world-class footballers. This cannot be achieved without knowledgeable, enthusiastic and effective coaches. Therefore Coach Education lies at the heart of Project Phoenix.
I have been privileged in recent weeks to attend some of our Coach Education programmes including the launch of our Level 1 and Level 2 courses and yesterday I was honoured to present Course Completion Certificates at our AFC ‘C’ Licence course. Training the trainers is fundamental to our future success and I made this point when talking to both groups.
Hong Kong football needs a National Football Curriculum which is designed to ensure a systematic, coordinated and progressive approach to player development from the grassroots all the way to elite footballers. We will define a playing style based on modern football best practice and identify the core skills, techniques, tactics, physical conditioning and mental attributes that are required to play that way. We will also detail how and when these requirements will be introduced to players throughout their development. For example at the grassroots level the emphasis will be on learning the core foundation skills and techniques in ‘small-sided games’ that are based on fun and enjoyment rather than on competition and results. As players mature they will be introduced to higher level techniques, tactics, teamwork etc in a more competitive environment. Pathways will be put in place to identify the most talented players who will then receive additional training and high-level competition where the best play against the best.
This more systematic and scientific approach will be reflected in the coach education syllabus so that all coaches understand the style of play and can tailor their coaching sessions to the delivery of this approach. ‘Model’ coaching sessions will be provided to coaches to enable them to run programmes that are relevant to each age group and ability level.
It will take time to implement these changes and a little longer still for the results to come to fruition. It will be worth it in the end because to conclude with another quote….’it’s not what the coach knows, it’s what the players have learnt’.
If anyone aspires to be a football coach to help inspire and train the footballers of tomorrow, then please visit our website to find out how you can get involved in coaching.     


最近數周,本人有幸受邀出席我們舉辦的教練培訓課程,其中包括第一級別和第二級別的首個講座,前日我更有幸在AFC ‘C’ 級課程典禮上代表頒發畢業證書。培訓教練是我們未來成功的基石,這是我曾向在場人士所說的心底話。

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