
Ohio Owners: "How do I get my title?"

As an ELT Service Provider, our customers are lenders (banks, credit unions, dealers, and others). We provide services for our customers, including an interface to each state DMV's Electronic Lien and Title program.

Occasionally we have a vehicle owner contact us directly instead of their lender or the state DMV and we like to assist if possible. One question came recently from an Ohio owner needing their title:
When I paid off my car, I got a letter from the bank saying I had an e-title. I am in Ohio. How do I find out if you have my title? I am selling my car.

Please let me know.
Our customer support responded:
Thank you for visiting our Premier eTitleLien™ website. Our company provides electronic lien and title services to lienholders.

To obtain a printed title for a private sale, take your lien release statement from your lienholder to your county Title Office and request a replacement title.

If you are selling your vehicle to a dealer, then a paper title is not required. The dealer can complete a BMV 3772 form.

Visit http://bmv.ohio.gov/faq_vehicle_titling.stm#togfor additional information.
For more information on the ELT program in Ohio, please visit OHELT.com.

Image above is titled Cars around town #6 of model cars at the Medina OH County Fair by Rick Post.

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