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NC Mandatory Mandatory ELT: When, How, and How Much

North Carolina launched a voluntary ELT program on November 1, 2014 with the expectation of the program eventually requiring mandatory participation. According to House Bill 1133 and Senate Bill 407, all individuals and lienholders who finance motor vehicles will be required to participate in the NC ELT program beginning on January 1, 2016. The only exception to the mandatory requirement is for individuals and lienholders who process less than five lien transactions per calendar year.

Once the grace period ends, if a lender conducts five or more transactions annually and does not have an ELT service provider, the title transactions will be rejected by the DMV. If this occurs, the DMV eDS ELT helpdesk will inform the lienholder of the approved service provider list to eliminate any further delays. Please note: there are no financial penalties associated with a DMV title application rejection.

A printed title may be requested for an ELT in the event of a repossession or an owner moving out of the state. All printed paper titles will be sent from the Raleigh DMV office. The North Carolina title and lien recording applications will remain the same and there will be no changes to current state fees.

Enrolling early in the ELT program will help the state handle the large number of anticipated required participants. DDI works with lenders and DMVs in all 50 states and is a certified ELT service provider in the 22 ELT states.  This enables DDI to help make the transition from paper titles to ELT both simple and effective for North Carolina ELT participants.

DDI is proud to be the endorsed Electronic Lien and Title (ELT) vendor by Community Bank Services (CBS) for members of the North Carolina Bankers Association. For more information on Premier eTitleLien® please visit http://www.etitlelien.com or click here to begin the process of enrolling in North Carolina!

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