A nightmare to remember
Mimpi buruk untuk diingat
I'd never be the same.
I'd never be the same.
Aku tidak pernah sama.
What began as laughter
What began as laughter
Apa yang dimulai sebagai tawa
So soon would turn to pain.
So soon would turn to pain.
Jadi segera akan beralih ke sakit.
The sky was clear and frigid
The sky was clear and frigid
Langit cerah dan dingin
The air was thick and still
The air was thick and still
Udara tebal dan masih
Now I'm not one to soon forget
Now I'm not one to soon forget
Sekarang aku bukan satu untuk segera melupakan
And I bet I never will
Dan aku yakin aku tidak akan pernah.
And I bet I never will
Dan aku yakin aku tidak akan pernah.
Picture for a moment
Gambar sejenak
The perfect irony
The perfect irony
Ironi sempurna
A flawless new beginning
A flawless new beginning
Sebuah awal baru sempurna
Eclipsed by tragedy.
Eclipsed by tragedy.
Terhalang oleh tragedi.
The uninvited stranger
The uninvited stranger
Orang asing tak diundang
Started dancing on his own
Started dancing on his own
Mulai menari sendiri
So we said goodbye
So we said goodbye
Jadi kami mengucapkan selamat tinggal
To the glowing bride
To the glowing bride
Untuk pengantin bersinar
And we made our way back home.
Dan kami berjalan kembali ke rumah.
And we made our way back home.
Dan kami berjalan kembali ke rumah.
Life was so simple then
Hidup begitu sederhana maka
We were so innocent.
We were so innocent.
Kami begitu polos.
Father and mother
Father and mother
Ayah dan ibu
Holding each other.
Memegang satu sama lain.
Holding each other.
Memegang satu sama lain.
Without warning
Tanpa peringatan
Out of nowhere
Out of nowhere
Entah dari mana
Like a bullet
Like a bullet
Seperti peluru
From the night
From the night
Dari malam
Crushing Glass
Crushing Glass
Menghancurkan Kaca
Rubber and steel
Rubber and steel
Karet dan baja
Scorching fire
Scorching fire
Api yang menghanguskan
Glowing lights
Glowing lights
Lampu menyala
Screams of terror
Screams of terror
Jeritan teror
Pain and Fear
Pain and Fear
Nyeri dan Takut
Sounds of sirens
Sounds of sirens
Suara sirene
Smoke in my eyes
Smoke in my eyes
Asap di mataku
Sudden stillness
Sudden stillness
Keheningan tiba-tiba
Blackened silence
Blackened silence
Keheningan menghitam
No more screaming
No more screaming
Tidak ada lagi teriakan
No more cries
Tidak ada lagi tangis
No more cries
Tidak ada lagi tangis
Stunned and bewildered
Tertegun dan bingung
Cold and afraid
Cold and afraid
Dingin dan takut
Torn up and broken
Torn up and broken
Robek dan rusak
Frightened and dazed
Ketakutan dan bingung
Frightened and dazed
Ketakutan dan bingung
Stunned and bewildered
Tertegun dan bingung
Cold and afraid
Cold and afraid
Dingin dan takut
Torn up and broken
Torn up and broken
Robek dan rusak
Frightened and dazed
Ketakutan dan bingung
Frightened and dazed
Ketakutan dan bingung
Lying on the table
Berbaring di atas meja
In this unfamiliar place
In this unfamiliar place
Di tempat yang asing ini
I'm greeted by a stranger
I'm greeted by a stranger
Aku disambut oleh orang asing
A man without a face
A man without a face
Seorang pria tanpa wajah
He said, "Son, do you remember?
He said, "Son, do you remember?
Dia mengatakan, "nak, kau ingat?
Do you even know your name?"
Do you even know your name?"
Apakah kau tahu namamu? "
Then he shined a light into my eyes
Then he shined a light into my eyes
Lalu ia sinari cahaya ke mataku
And said, "take this for the pain."
Dan berkata, "ambil ini untuk rasa sakit."
And said, "take this for the pain."
Dan berkata, "ambil ini untuk rasa sakit."
Hopelessly drifting,
Hayutkan putus asa,
Bathing in beautiful agony.
Bathing in beautiful agony.
Mandi dalam kesakitan indah.
I am endlessly falling,
I am endlessly falling,
Aku tanpa henti jatuh,
Lost in this wonderful misery.
Lost in this wonderful misery.
Hilang dalam kesengsaraan indah ini.
In peaceful sedation, I lay half awake
In peaceful sedation, I lay half awake
Dalam sedasi damai, aku berbaring setengah terjaga
And all of the panic inside starts to fade.
And all of the panic inside starts to fade.
Dan semua panik di dalam mulai memudar.
Hopelessly drifting,
Hopelessly drifting,
Hanyut putus asa,
Bathing in beautiful agony.
Mandi dalam kesakitan indah.
Bathing in beautiful agony.
Mandi dalam kesakitan indah.
"Tell me does this hurt you?"
"Katakan padaku apakah ini menyakitimu?"
Said the faceless man.
Said the faceless man.
Kata pria tak berwajah.
"Can you move all of your fingers?
"Can you move all of your fingers?
"Dapatkah kau menggerakkan semua jari-jarimu?
Can you try your best to stand?"
Can you try your best to stand?"
Dapatkah kau mencoba yang terbaik untuk berdiri? "
I asked about the others
I asked about the others
Aku bertanya tentang orang lain
Is everyone OK?
Is everyone OK?
Apakah semua orang OK?
He told me not to worry
He told me not to worry
Dia mengatakan kepadaku untuk tidak khawatir
As he turned and looked away.
Saat ia berbalik dan melihat jauh.
As he turned and looked away.
Saat ia berbalik dan melihat jauh.
Hopelessly drifting,
Hayutkan putus asa,
Bathing in beautiful agony.
Bathing in beautiful agony.
Mandi dalam kesakitan indah.
I am endlessly falling,
I am endlessly falling,
Aku tanpa henti jatuh,
Lost in this wonderful misery.
Lost in this wonderful misery.
Hilang dalam kesengsaraan indah ini.
In peaceful sedation, I lay half awake
In peaceful sedation, I lay half awake
Dalam sedasi damai, aku berbaring setengah terjaga
And all of the panic inside starts to fade.
And all of the panic inside starts to fade.
Dan semua panik di dalam mulai memudar.
Hopelessly drifting,
Hanyut putus asa,Hopelessly drifting,
Bathing in beautiful agony.
Mandi dalam kesakitan indah.
Day after day
Hari demi hari
And night after night
And night after night
Dan malam demi malam
Replaying the events
Replaying the events
Mengulang peristiwa
Did they ever see the red light?
Apakah mereka pernah melihat lampu merah?
Did they ever see the red light?
Apakah mereka pernah melihat lampu merah?
Over and over
Lagi dan lagi
Scene by scene
Scene by scene
Adegan demi adegan
Like a recurring nightmare haunting my dreams.
Like a recurring nightmare haunting my dreams.
Seperti mimpi buruk yang berulang menghantui mimpi-mimpiku
How can you prepare for what would happen next?
How can you prepare for what would happen next?
Bagaimana kau dapat mempersiapkan diri untuk apa yang akan terjadi selanjutnya?
No son should ever have to see his father such a mess
No son should ever have to see his father such a mess
Tidak ada anak yang seharusnya harus melihat ayahnya seperti berantakan
It's a miracle he lived
It's a miracle he lived
Ini sebuah keajaiban ia hidup
It's a blessing no one died
It's a blessing no one died
Ini berkat tidak ada yang mati
By the Grace of God above
By the Grace of God above
Dengan karunia Tuhan di atas
Everyone survived
Semua orang selamat
Everyone survived
Semua orang selamat
Life was so simple then
Hidup begitu sederhana maka
We were so innocent.
We were so innocent.
Kita begitu polos.
It will stay with us forever
It will stay with us forever
Ini akan tinggal bersama kita selamanya
A nightmare to remember
Mimpi buruk untuk diingat
A nightmare to remember
Mimpi buruk untuk diingat
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