Well I wake up this morning I rolled out of bed
Yah aku bangun pagi ini aku berguling dari tempat tidur.
I felt like a dog who's been kicked in the head
I felt like a dog who's been kicked in the head
Aku merasa seperti anjing yang sudah ditendang di kepala
Checked out my mail there was letter that read
Checked out my mail there was letter that read
Memeriksa suratku ada surat yang dibaca
Love for sale, love for sale
Cinta Dijual, cinta Dijual
Love for sale, love for sale
Cinta Dijual, cinta Dijual
I picked up the phone I called everyone I could
Aku mengangkat teleponku menelepon semua orang yang aku bisa
I let my fingers do the walking through the telephone book
I let my fingers do the walking through the telephone book
Aku membiarkan jari-jariku berjalan melalui buku telepon
You can't catch a fish if you ain't got the hook
You can't catch a fish if you ain't got the hook
Kau tidak dapat menangkap ikan jika kau tidak punya jala
Love for sale, love for sale
Cinta Dijual, cinta Dijual
Love for sale, love for sale
Cinta Dijual, cinta Dijual
Send up a signal throw me a line
Kirim sinyal buang aku ke sambungan
Somebody explain " this funny Valentine"
Somebody explain " this funny Valentine"
Seseorang menjelaskan "Valentine lucu ini"
It might not be legal but it sure ain't a crime
It might not be legal but it sure ain't a crime
Ini mungkin tidak legal tapi jelas bukan merupakan tindak pidana
I'm one step from crazy and two steps behind
Aku satu langkah dari gila dan dua langkah di belakang
I'm one step from crazy and two steps behind
Aku satu langkah dari gila dan dua langkah di belakang
I called Lt. Columbo from my TV set
Aku menelepon Letnan Columbo dari TV-ku
I've tried the Dating Game I haven't found her yet
I've tried the Dating Game I haven't found her yet
Aku sudah mencoba Game Kencan aku belum menemukan dia sebelumnya
I'm hoping that she's looking like a Penthouse Pet
I'm hoping that she's looking like a Penthouse Pet
Aku berharap bahwa dia tampak seperti Penthouse Pet
Love for sale, love for sale
Cinta Dijual, cinta Dijual
Love for sale, love for sale
Cinta Dijual, cinta Dijual
We've been living together 3 years,
Kami telah hidup bersama 3 tahun,
2 hours, 20 minutes maybe four houndred beers
2 hours, 20 minutes maybe four houndred beers
2 jam, 20 menit mungkin empat ratus bir
You can't shop for love when you're shopping at, Sears
You can't shop for love when you're shopping at, Sears
Kau tidak dapat berbelanja untuk cinta ketika kau berbelanja di, Sears
Love for sale, love for sale
Cinta Dijual, cinta Dijual
Love for sale, love for sale
Cinta Dijual, cinta Dijual
I guess I've learnt my lesson it was easy to see
Kukira aku sudah kapok itu mudah untuk melihat
My old lady she played this joke on me
My old lady she played this joke on me
Wanita tuaku dia bermain lelucon ini padaku
I never looked where I forgot it would be
I never looked where I forgot it would be
Aku tidak pernah melihat di mana aku lupa akan menjadi
Love for sale, love for sale
Love for sale, love for sale
Cinta Dijual, cinta Dijual
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