She's stone cold bush yea
Dia batu dingin di semak ya.
And baby that's alright
And baby that's alright
Dan sayang itu baik-baik saja
She's stone cold bush yea
She's stone cold bush yea
Dia batu dingin di semak ya
And that's alright with me
And that's alright with me
Dan itu baik-baik saja denganku
Get up off your knees, come on walk with me
Bangun dari lututmu, ayolah berjalan denganku
Tell me what you need to get along
Tell me what you need to get along
Katakan padaku apa yang kau butuhkan untuk mendapatkan bersama
A statue come to live
A statue come to live
Sebuah patung datang untuk hidup
I cut you with my knife
I cut you with my knife
Aku memotongmu dengan pisau
Bleeding to the tune of dolly dagger
Bleeding to the tune of dolly dagger
Perdarahan untuk lagu dolly belati
She's stone cold bush
Dia batu dingin semak
Hight street got nothing to show
Hight street got nothing to show
Jalan tinggi tak punya apa-apa untuk menunjukkan
Except the skirt on your ass
Except the skirt on your ass
Kecuali rok di pantatmu
When you're livin' on the streets
Ketika kau tinggal di jalanan
You've got to let it roll
You've got to let it roll
Kau harus membiarkannya menggulung
Get on with what you've got
Get on with what you've got
Dapatkan dengan apa yang kau miliki
Awe everybody knows that it's alright
Awe everybody knows that it's alright
Awe semua orang tahu bahwa itu baik-baik saja
You've got no secrets to tell
You've got no secrets to tell
Kau tidak punya rahasia untuk diberitahu
But when you walk that walk and talk that talk
But when you walk that walk and talk that talk
Tapi ketika kau tapaki jalan itu dan katakan ucapan itu
You do it oh so well
You do it oh so well
Kau melakukannya oh begitu baik\
She's stone cold bush
Dia batu dingin semak
She's got marble eyes
She's got marble eyes
Dia punya mata marmer
Sweet china doll her thighs
Sweet china doll her thighs
Boneka cina manis pahanya
And animal in pain she starts to cry
And animal in pain she starts to cry
Dan hewan sakit dia mulai menangis
Her pipes are open wide
Her pipes are open wide
Pipanya terbuka lebar
She blows more than my mind
She blows more than my mind
Dia pukul lebih dari pikiranku
Echo sounds of soul
Echo sounds of soul
Suara gema jiwa
Time after time
Time after time
She's stone cold bush
She's stone cold bush
Dia batu dingin semak
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