Dan Walters wrote an opinion piece for the Merced Sun-Star praising improvements at the CA DMV. "The DMV has become a model of consumer friendly service and the intelligent use of technology that seems to escape other agencies." He goes on to quote a February 24, 2012 article from the California Legislative Analyst's Office:
"Over the last 10 years," the report says, "DMV has made efforts to improve customer service and increase efficiency, so that customers have additional options for renewing their vehicle registration." In addition to access via home computers, the agency maintains self-service kiosks in its field offices, and has contracts with a number of private businesses for electronic transactions.
The LAO report cites the ability that auto dealers have to electronically handle vehicle registrations and titling transactions (through California's BPA program) as an example of direct cost savings and efficiency improvements. The report notes that registration renewals through business partners increased 18 percent over the previous year.
We are expecting similar efficiency gains as the ELT program becomes mandatory in January 2013. In addition to printing fewer paper titles, enforcing electronic transactions for titles with liens will help reduce fraud and save additional trips to DMV offices.
May all your DMV visits be pleasant!
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