The truth will ever hide
Kebenaran akan pernah menyembunyikan
Even though I tried
Even though I tried
Meskipun aku mencoba
They tried to take my pride
They tried to take my pride
Mereka mencoba untuk mengambil kebanggaanku
But they only took my father from me
But they only took my father from me
Tapi mereka hanya mengambil ayahku dariku
They only took my father
They only took my father
Mereka hanya mengambil ayahku
Even though I cried
Even though I cried
Meskipun aku menangis
Even though I tried again
Meskipun aku mencoba lagi.
Even though I tried again
Meskipun aku mencoba lagi.
God be with you Ireland
God be with you Ireland
Tuhan bersamamu Irlandia
Sometimes I was afraid
Kadang-kadang aku takut
Even though I prayed
Even though I prayed
Meskipun aku berdoa
I've lost my religion now
I've lost my religion now
Aku telah kehilangan agamaku sekarang
You took that too somehow
You took that too somehow
Kau mengambil itu juga entah bagaimana
Blood upon thy hands
Blood upon thy hands again
Darah pada tangan-Mu lagi
Blood upon thy hands
Blood upon thy hands again
Darah pada tangan-Mu lagi
(I have served my time)
(aku telah melayani waktuku)
God be with you Ireland
God be with you Ireland
Tuhan bersamamu Irlandia
(Suffered for my crime)
(Suffered for my crime)
(Menderita untuk kejahatanku)
God be with you Ireland
Tuhan bersamamu Irlandia
God be with you Ireland
Tuhan bersamamu Irlandia
(I have served my time)
(aku telah melayani waktuku)
God be with you Ireland
God be with you Ireland
Tuhan bersamamu Irlandia
(Suffered for my crime)
(Suffered for my crime)
(Menderita untuk kejahatanku)
God be with you Ireland
Tuhan bersamamu Irlandia
God be with you now
God be with you now
God be with you now
God be with you now
God be with you Ireland
Tuhan bersamamu Irlandia
God be with you now
God be with you now
God be with you now
God be with you now
Tuhan bersamamu sekarang
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