
Changes to the South Carolina Title Application

In Premier eTitleLien™ we support the generation of title application forms for our ELT states and keep them up to date with changes implemented by the state. South Carolina recently changed their Title Application form (SC Form 400) as follows:

  1. Section numbers have been replaced with section letters so as not to confuse requirements listing with the numbers at the top of the form.
  2. Applicants may indicate whether the transaction should be expedited at the top of the form.
  3. Expedited applications can be requested if the transaction needs to be completed within three (3) business days. This is not required for expedited electronic Release or Request Paper Title transactions.
  4. The Primary Owner’s address was added before RESIDENCE STREET ADDRESS.
  5. In the lien holder’s address section, indicate if the lien holder is a ELT lien holder by checking the appropriate checkbox beside the lien information. This is automatically checked for Form 400s printed through Premier eTitleLien™.
  6. If there is no lien on the vehicle, enter None in the lien section.
  7. The lien release has been eliminated from the back of the form. Financial institutions must submit the lien release on company letterhead with the vehicle’s description, or use Form 450, Satisfaction of Lien.
  8. Owners must certify by signature for the Sales Tax Exemption in Section G;
  9. Owners must certify the sales prices by initialing Section I; and
  10. The Federal Motor Carrier Services acknowledgement statement has been added to the signature line statement (Section L).

Image is a Lexus SC430 from "Ever Seen a Carolina Herrera SC430? Wow!!!"

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